Roddy Martindale's Club - Tinker Tailor Location

tinker tailor, location

There are some iconic locations in Tinker Tailor that are easy to find and others that are a little more obscure and hard to track down.

In part one of Tinker Tailor, Smiley has the misfortune to be accosted by Roddy Martindale in The Royal Arcade in Mayfair. Martindale 'claims' Smiley for dinner and we next see them eating inside a club.

As they leave the club it's possible confirm from the architecture of the buildings and signage for J.H. Bourdon-Smith Ltd (specialists in antique and modern silver, who are still round the corner in Masons Yard) that they are in Ryder Street. The club they are leaving is the Eccentric Club (9-11 Ryder Street) which closed in 1986. They turn right out of the door and walk down Ryder Street. Martindale shouts after Smiley as he walks off towards Duke Street St James's.
tinker tailor, location
tinker tailor, location
