
Welcome to this website which is about the BBC productions of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Smiley's People and in particular Alec Guinness' performance as George Smiley.  

There is quite a bit of information about the production of both of these series online, but there doesn't appear to be a central website pulling everything together.  The aim of this website is to publish fresh material about both series, identify some of the filming locations and signpost visitors to the wonderful content that is already out there. This website is NOT a commercial endeavour and will hopefully be of interest to fans of both productions.

I have my dad to thank for my love of these series.  He watched each episode beside me when they were first broadcast, but I understood only a little of what I saw back then.  As an adult I have seen them many times and find them endlessly compelling and fascinating. The intricacies of the plot and the quality of the acting keep me coming back time after time.

Very little television from the 1970s or 80s can hold its own with the best series of today, but these productions can.  They were shot on film, entirely on location and in my opinion they served as a blueprint for the style of long-form television drama we are now all very familiar with today.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions you can email me at guinnessissmiley@icloud.com